Updates to Invisalign Improve the Process for Straight Teeth

September 30, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — chaskateam @ 7:40 pm

close up of a beautiful smileInvisalign has been around for awhile now — long enough for 4 million people around the world to have chosen these clear braces for their orthodontic treatment. Invisalign is a wonderful way to improve the alignment of teeth, and we are happy to share some recent changes to the Invisalign protocols that will make the system even more efficient, comfortable, and effective than it already was.


How Your Dentist Uses Social Media to Better Your Smile

September 29, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — chaskateam @ 10:19 am

little girl at the dentistAt Chaska Dental Center, we treat more than just smiles. We’re in this to develop lasting relationships with our patients — and we truly care about your oral and overall health. That’s why we’re big on social media!
