When meeting with your dentist about a troublesome tooth, there is a good chance that you’ll be recommended for other forms of restorative care, such as a dental crown or root canal treatment. However, when these solutions prove futile, there is only one option left – tooth extraction. Although it is never the desire of any dentist to remove a natural tooth, there are some benefits to this type of procedure, so keep reading to learn about 3 you might not have realized.
(more…)Let It Go: 3 Benefits of Tooth Extraction
August 20, 2024
Why You Should Avoid Alcohol After a Tooth Extraction
July 10, 2024
Undergoing a tooth extraction nowadays may be drastically different than those performed decades or centuries ago, but the necessity for proper healing remains the same. When preparing for your procedure, your dentist will provide detailed instructions designed to help you through recovery without experiencing any complications. While you might think drinking a small glass of wine won’t hurt anything, your dentist explains why it’s best to avoid alcohol and what you should eat and drink instead.
(more…)The Cost of a Root Canal: Which Factors Impact the Total Price?
June 11, 2024
Learning you need a root canal may cause multiple questions to come to mind, one of which is the price. Attempting to budget for this type of treatment may leave you wondering what to expect when it comes to your out-of-pocket expenses. The good news is that your procedure is unlikely to cost the same as someone else’s, which is why your dentist can explain the importance of an initial consultation and which factors they consider when determining the overall price for treatment.
(more…)Dental Insurance Basics: What You Need to Know
May 7, 2024
You know having dental insurance is important. After all, it’s designed to help you save when pursuing essential oral healthcare. But when it comes to understanding the details of various plans, it can all be overwhelming. Don’t worry, as you’re not alone. Many individuals struggle to grasp the terminology used as part of dental insurance, which is why it’s important to have a trusted team that can help make the process easy and stress-free. But if you don’t want to wait for someone else to try and explain everything to you on the day of your visit, take a few moments to learn some of the basics.
(more…)3 Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Treatments for a Beautiful Smile
April 19, 2024
The desire for a beautiful smile is something more and more patients are actively seeking. As a result, cosmetic dentistry is becoming increasingly popular thanks to social media, “influencers,” celebrities, and the virtual workforce. If you are someone who would like to see an improvement in your smile but would rather avoid complex forms of treatment, here are three minimally invasive solutions you can consider.
(more…)Do Over-the-Counter Whitening Kits Actually Work?
March 8, 2024
It’s hard to miss all of the do-it-yourself videos and messages that social media influencers and big companies promote these days. This is especially true with anything having to do with oral and overall health. To save money, countless solutions are being pushed, promising whiter, brighter teeth in minutes or even seconds. But before you rush to order or try the “latest and greatest” thing, take a few moments to learn why teeth whitening is best left to the professionals.
(more…)Special Circumstances: How You Can Get Partial Coverage for Cosmetic Dentistry
February 9, 2024
You’ve heard over and over again that dental insurance does not cover cosmetic dental treatments. Since they are elective procedures that are not required to achieve better oral health, many companies will not pay for these kinds of services. However, what you may not realize is that there are special circumstances that can occur – ones that can have you receiving partial coverage for aesthetic-based care. Keep reading to discover when your dental insurance company will make the exception and offer some financial reprieve.
(more…)Countdown to New Teeth: How Long Will You Need to Wait for Dentures?
January 17, 2024
You’ve been without a full set of teeth for some time now, and you aren’t crazy about having to wait months or an entire year for dental implants. Choosing dentures to improve your appearance and oral function, you think it will deliver the kind of results you desire, but how long will it take to receive your new teeth? Keep reading to find out.
(more…)Protect Your Teeth: 3 Holiday Foods to Be Careful of While Wearing Dentures
December 7, 2023
Between the candies, spirits, and carb-filled side dishes, the holidays are a time to enjoy some of the most popular and long-awaited meals. With tables full of ham, turkey, cranberry sauce, eggnog, and delectable pies, passing on any of these divine options might seem impossible. While nothing is entirely off-limits, there are some holiday foods you should limit and be more mindful of, especially while wearing dentures. Keep reading to learn why these three treats are ones you should be careful of this time of year.
(more…)Uncover the Truth: 3 Myths About Dentures That Can Be Debunked
November 9, 2023
It’s natural to have questions about restorative care, especially as it pertains to replacing missing teeth. Having artificial teeth often spurs many questions and concerns, and unfortunately, there are many misconceptions and down-right falsehoods found on the internet. To help you feel more confident in your decision to move forward with certain prosthetics, a dentist is here to debunk three myths about dentures so that you can embrace a beneficial, healthy smile once again.