How Long Can I Expect a Root Canal to Take?

August 11, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — chaskateam @ 2:06 am
patient undergoing root canal

Are you preparing for a root canal but are unsure how long the process will take? The idea of sitting in a dentist’s chair for a prolonged period of time might seem daunting or even worrisome, but if you want your dentist to save your natural tooth from possible extraction, it’s a necessary step, no matter how long it might take. Fortunately, a local dentist is here to explain what you can expect with this type of procedure and why it’s worth the time and effort.  

What is the Step-by-Step Root Canal Process?

To better understand how long this process can take, it’s important that you have an idea about the various steps that must be taken to ensure success:

  1. You’ll arrive for your appointment to receive local anesthesia from your dentist. This will numb the area of your mouth where the tooth is undergoing treatment.
  2. Your dentist will then make a small hole in the crown of your tooth before gently and carefully cleaning and removing any damaged or decayed tissue. This will include the pulp and its connected canals.
  3. When finished, the dentist will rinse the inside of the tooth before applying a special biocompatible sealer to eliminate any remaining bacteria.
  4. The dentist will seal the tooth and prepare it for a dental crown that will be created and placed within a few weeks.

How Long Does a Root Canal Typically Take?

There is no definite answer, as each patient is different and will likely require different approaches. However, some root canals can take as little as 30 minutes while others may take as long as three hours. These procedures can also be completed in one day, or they may require two visits. Various factors must be considered before your dentist can provide a more concrete answer as to how long you can expect to sit in a dentist’s chair for treatment.

Which Factors Must Be Considered When Determining a Root Canal Timeframe?

When attempting to formulate an average timeframe for your procedure, your dentist will consider the following:

  • The type of tooth that needs to receive treatment (i.e., molar, premolar, incisor, canine), as certain ones have multiple canals that must be cleaned
  • The location of the tooth inside the mouth
  • The severity of the damage and/or decay

Although no two patients are alike and will likely have different experiences when undergoing root canals, you can trust that no matter how long the process takes, it is vital to your oral and overall health. Not only will it eliminate any existing infection and damage, but it will help you keep your natural tooth for years to come.

About the Authors
Dr. Aaron Swingdorf is a dentist who believes in providing exceptional care to patients living in Chaska and its surrounding communities. Believing in a whole-health philosophy, they offer services that are comprehensive and will work to improve your overall health and wellness. If you are looking for a dental team that can perform root canals that will improve the health and longevity of your smile, call us at (952) 448-4151 or visit our website to learn more.

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