Can I Wear Invisalign and Still Drink Coffee?

March 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — chaskateam @ 8:27 pm
coffee mug and beans

Wearing Invisalign in Chaska doesn’t mean you have to give up everything you love to eat and drink. In fact, these clear aligners are far more flexible than traditional braces simply because you must take them out before enjoying your favorite foods and beverages. But is it okay to indulge in your morning cup of joe? In this article, we’ll answer this question as well as provide a few tips to not only prevent a delay in treatment but also keep your aligners invisible.

Why Taking Out Your Aligners is Key

The most important fact to remember is that you can’t wear your Invisalign trays and drink coffee at the same time. However, you can remove them and enjoy your warm cup of brew. But if you’re curious as to why your trays must be removed beforehand, here are a few key reasons:

  • You can develop stains and discoloration that cause your Invisalign to become more noticeable to others. This can be a major problem if your main reason for choosing clear aligners is because of their discreet appearance.
  • Your teeth can also develop stains because of the coffee that becomes trapped between the trays and your pearly whites.
  • The warmth of the coffee can cause your aligners to become warped, which will result in needing new trays to avoid a delay in treatment.
  • There is an increased risk of tooth decay because of the acid and any additives you include in your coffee. These can remain trapped between your Invisalign and teeth, making it easier for bacteria to eat away at your tooth enamel.

By taking your aligners out before ever taking your first sip, you can eliminate these issues altogether.

Ways to Prevent Stains and Keep Your Aligners Invisible

To still enjoy your morning coffee while working toward a straighter smile, you’ll need to adjust your routine just a bit. You can easily do this by:

  • Removing your trays before drinking your coffee. Make sure you place them in a protective case to avoid accidentally losing or damage them.
  • Do not sip on your coffee throughout the morning but instead, be diligent about drinking it reasonably quick. The reason is that the longer the contents remains on your teeth, the greater your risk for tooth decay. But also, you should be wearing your trays 20-22 hours each day, so you’ll need to make sure you reinsert your aligners as soon as possible to avoid delaying your Invisalign timeline.
  • Make sure to brush your teeth or rinse with water after you’re done with your coffee. This removes bacteria and any remnants from your mouth that could easily transfer onto your aligners.
  • Try to minimize the amount of creamer or sugar put into your coffee, as this only increases your risk for cavities.

By following these simple tips, you can continue on your path to a straighter smile while still enjoying your favorite cup of coffee.

About the Authors
Dr. Aaron Swingdorf and Dr. Thomas Meschke are here to help you take back your smile using Invisalign. Instead of resorting to metal brackets and wires that can make daily life more difficult, especially as a working professional, you can trust Invisalign to go to work to realign your smile without compromising your daily appearance. Dr. Swingdorf is an Invisalign Preferred Provider and can offer helpful ways to navigate your clear aligner treatment. If you want to achieve life-changing results with Invisalign, contact us at (952) 448-4151 or visit our website.

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